Main Trails

The park counts with more than 35 km. of marked trails, that traverse the Reserve. The walks follow streams, hill tops and go through beautiful forest of Patagonian Oak and Dombei Beech. Most of the trails have been there for many years, and were originally used as trails to transport the cattle. Others we made to offer better connectivity and to get to the most beautiful parts of the reserve.

Vásquez Bajo and Vásquez Alto

This trail borders the Vásquez brook, making this a very pleasant walk with the sound of water while under the shade of Patagonian Oak, Soapbark, Litre tree and Chilean acorn.

Vásquez Bajo

Walking Time:2,2kms./50 to 75 min

Difficulty: Medium

Vásquez Alto

Walking Time:4,0kms./100 to 130 min

Difficulty: Difficult

La Carretera

The name was given to this trail by the cowboys, which used to bring down the cattle from the hills over this trail. Nowadays it connects trailhead Vásquez with Laguna Verde; a beautiful walk through forests of Chilean Oak, Soapbark, Chilean acorn and Boldo.

Walking Time:3,0kms./100 to 130 min

Difficulty: Medium

Loma Seca Baja y Loma Seca Alta

Trail that runs over the top of Loma Seca hill, with an abundance of Patagonian Oaks, beautiful views and finishes at the Quincho.

Loma Seca Baja

Walking Time:3,5kms./100 to 120 min.

Difficulty: Difficult

Loma Seca Alta

Walking Time:1,3kms./40 to 60 min.

Difficulty: Difficult

Loop la Bota

Walk that includes trails Las Chicharras, Costanera, Vasquez Bajo, Azadones and Loma Seca Bajo. This walk starts and finishes at the Quincho and goes down to the riverbed of the Los Capados stream. The sound of the Vasquez brook keeps you company until Azadones trail, where you walk under the shade of Patagonian Oak, Soapbark, Litre tree, Chilean acorns and other native trees.

Walking Time:10,0kms./4,5 to 6,0 Hras.

Difficulty: Difficult

Loop La Península

A walk all ages under the shade of Patagonian Oak, Chilean Hazelnut. Cordilleran Cypress, Chilean Acorn, Chilean Myrtle, Boldo and Chilean Litre.

Walking Time:3,8kms./80 to 120 min.

Difficulty: Medium

El Encanto

Trail which presents the highest level of difficulty, but which also offers unequalled beauty. This walk follows the El Encanto stream for a mayor part of its trajectory with forests of Dombey´s Beech, Chilean Mayrtle, Winnter´s Bark, Chilean Laurel, Chilean Acorn, Soapbark, Boldo and Litre Tree.

Walking Time:7,0kms./4,5 to 6,5 Hras.

Difficulty: Difficult